SIRDA Sports Academy Felicitation Ceremony for Gold Medal Winner @ 2nd Sr Kabadi Federation Cup Chief Guest Sh. Sandeep Kadam DC Mandi
Faciliationceremony Gold medal winners (KABADDI), 28thMay 2017
AddressBy The MD; BD Thakur:
Sir,Mr Sandeep Kadam, Deputy Commissioner Mandi, the Chief Guest of thefacilitation ceremony in the honour of the Gold Medal winners, 2ndKabaddi Senior Fedration cup championship. I on behalf of the familyof SIRDA Group of Institutions heartly welcomes you on this occasionfor your visit to the Campus of our Institutions.
SIRDA(Sunder Nagar Integrated Rural Development Association) is aregistered charitable society since the year 1985. The objective ofthe society is to facilitate and provide opportunities of employmentand earnings for the uplift of the economically weaker section of theSociety at moffussil level. Initially we were involved in trading andindustrial pursuits with a humble start. It was in the year 2009 thatthe Society decided to enter into the field of Technical educationwith a vision to participate in the socio economic development of thecountry and provide a fillip to the competitive technicalrequirements of manpower in the leading Technologies. SIRDA isapproved by the AICTE and is affiliated to the H.P.T.U. Hamirpur forDegree courses and H.P.T.S.B. Dharamshala for Diploma courses.
Webelieve in quality and Innovative learning which can produce genuineentrepreneurs display their potential for shaping the future of ourSociety. There are 8 (Eight) academic department such as :
Electronicsand Communication
ComputerScience Engg
Electricaland Electronics
ConstructionSector skill development
Throughour these departments, we are imparting educations and training in:
M.Tech:-Civil Engg, Computer Science,Electronics and Communication,Mechanical Engg.
B.Tech:-CivilEngg, Computer Science,Electronics and Communication, Mechanical Engg, Electrical and Electronics.
Diploma:-Civil Engg, Computer Science, Electronics and Communication,Mechanical Engg Automobiles.
Pharmacy:-Two Year Diploma in Pharmacy.
ConstructionSector, Skill Development- TOT & TOA.
SportsCoaching Accademy:- Kabaddi, Bolleyball, Basket Ball, Badminton.
Healthybody has a strong mind. Extracurricular activities including sportsare important and integral part of the academic carrier of alearner. The SIRDA therefore, gives due and higher importance to suchactivities for the overall development of the students of thisCampus. We have a Sports Academy in our Campus and at present weprovide Coaching in Kabaddi, Volleyball, Basketball, Badminton,Through our Instructor and Couches . Hostel facilities for outsideacross the state Kabaddi girls players including free boardinglodging is provided by the Institution. At present 25 Sports girlsare residing in the hostel.
Ourefforts in the field of Sports have also brought us allures andcolors in this small period of 5-6 years.
-Goldmedal Kabaddi women under 20 state level (4 Girls)-2014
-Goldmedal Kabaddi women under16 state level (4 Girls)-2014
-Bronze medal Kabaddi women under20 National level (2 Girls)-2014
-Gold medal Kabaddi women under19State level ( 4 Girls)-2015
-Gold medal Kabaddi women under16State level (7 Girls)-2015
-Bronze medal Kabaddi women Senior National level (1Girl)-2015
-Bronze medal Kabaddi women under19 National School (3 Girls) -2015
-Bronze medal Kabaddi women under 25 National Level (1 Girl) -2015
-Silver medal Kabaddi All India Inter university level (1 Girl) -2016
-Silver medal Kabaddi under 20 national level (1 Girl) -2017
-Gold medal 2ndSenior Fedration Kabaddi Cup Indore (4 Girls) -2017
Inaddition we have been participating almost all the Kabaddi events inat Distt, State and National Level. Our one Star Player Miss BhavanaDevi has attended the National Selection Camp three times. She wasplaced at 13thrank, which is an achievement under such meager and inadequatefacilities.
The1st H.P.T.U. Inter College tournament was organized in the SIRDA Groupof Institution during 2016. Five events were organized and the SIRDASports Academy won 3 Gold (Kabaddi, Volley Ball, Badminton double)and silver in single Badmition.
TheIIT Mandi organized a North India tournament at Mandi during 2013 inwhich our team won silver medal in Volley Ball.
TheSIRDA find a large potential and immense interest in the youth ofour Institution as well as the State. Therefore, we are purposing toinclude other additional Sports like Judo, Boxing, wrestling andathletics events in this campus . A indoor hall of 6000 sqft hasalready been constructed, another 10000 sq ft is being purposed andsufficient land for 200 and 400 mtr track is available.
TheSIRDA is doing its best to promote these activities at our own through our own resources. But we are also requesting the SAI to giveus a sports centre so that there participation is also ensured andour endeavor and burden is shared and the mission is carried in mosteffective way.
Lastbut not the least, I would evade my responsibility if I miss torecall the names of those star kabaddi players of SIRDA SportsAcademy, who have given this opportunity to assemble today on thisoccasion. Miss Bhawana Devi, Miss Reena Kumari, Miss Sakshi Thakur,Miss Simran Kumari, I congratulate and wish you all a bright andglories life ahead. Thank you.